Natural Livestock Farming: Piloting a Strategy to Improve Milk Quality and Reduce Anti-Microbial Resistance
Katrien van’t Hooft, Maria Groot and Getachew Gebru. In Approaches to Poultry
Other publications:
Endogenous Livestock Development in Cameroon
Exploring the Potential of Local Initiatives for Livestock Development - Hooft, K. van’t,…
Book 62 pages + DVD; versions in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
The Dairy Development Trap
Hooft, K.van’t. In: “Livestock Management for Poverty Alleviation and Food Security (chapter…
April 2012
CABI Publishers
Sustainable Livestock Management for Poverty Alleviation and Food Security
By K van’t Hooft, ETC Foundation, The Netherlands, T Wollen, Livestock Advocacy, Heifer…
April 2012
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