Seven major issues & risks of hyper-intensive mega farms
and why a paradigm change is happening – PP Katrien van’t Hooft at World Conference Controversies in Bovine Health, Industry and Economics (COBO), Berlin August 2015
Other publications:
Livestock, the World and the Dutch: a quick scan of opportunities in nine countries
(Russia, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey, Ethiopia, Kenya and Mexico) –…
May 2013
Study for Ministry of Economic Affairs Netherlands – Topsector Agri-Food (in commission of Livestock Research Institute, Wageningen University)
Op Eigen Kracht – Winst voor Boer en Milieu door de Kringloopaanpak
Op Eigen Kracht – Winst voor Boer en Milieu door de KringloopaanpakVideo in Dutch.…
June 2008
By ETC-Adviesgroep, financed by Provinces Drenthe and Utrecht.
Endogenous Livestock Development in Cameroon
Exploring the Potential of Local Initiatives for Livestock Development - Hooft, K. van’t,…
Book 62 pages + DVD; versions in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.