Hidden Effects of Dairy Farming on Public and Environmental Health
in the Netherlands, India, Ethiopia and Uganda, Considering the Use of Antibiotics and other Agro-Chemicals – Maria J. Groot and Katrien E.van’t Hooft, 2016. In: Frontiers of Public Health 4:12. dos: 10.3389/fpubh.2016.00012
Groot-Hooft 2016 - The Hidden Effects of Dairy Farming - Frontiers
tabel - Hidden Effects of Dairy Farming - Frontiers article
Other publications:
Gracias a los Animales – Crianza Pecuaria familiar en America Latina
Con casos de los Valles y el Altiplano de Bolivia. Hooft, K van’t (editor), 2004. In…
AGRUCO, CIGAC, ETC y Plural Editores, la Paz
Sustainable Livestock Management for Poverty Alleviation and Food Security
By K van’t Hooft, ETC Foundation, The Netherlands, T Wollen, Livestock Advocacy, Heifer…
April 2012
order book at CABI website
Natural Livestock Farming: Piloting a Strategy to Improve Milk Quality and Reduce Anti-Microbial Resistance
Katrien van’t Hooft, Maria Groot and Getachew Gebru. In Approaches to Poultry
September 2017
Dairy and Veterinary Sciences