What’s next on Climate Change and Food Security?
Side-event entitled Livestock, Climate Change and Food Security during the Down2Earth Conference in The Hague (31 October – 5 November 2010)
Other publications:
Old Traditions, New Practices
Article in Farming Matters magazine, June 2013 OldTraditionsNewPractices-article…
June 2013
Farming Matters magazine
Seven major issues & risks of hyper-intensive mega farms
and why a paradigm change is happening – PP Katrien van’t Hooft at World Conference…
August 2015
Industry and Economics (COBO) Berlin
Sustainable Livestock Management for Poverty Alleviation and Food Security
By K van’t Hooft, ETC Foundation, The Netherlands, T Wollen, Livestock Advocacy, Heifer…
April 2012
order book at CABI website